很多同学脑子里第一反应可能就是Buy vegetables。 但这其实只是单纯表达了买蔬菜的意思 我们常说的买菜的英文表达是:Buy groceries。 出门买菜可以说:Go grocery shopping. I'll buy some groceries on the internet. 我要在网上买点菜。 If you go out, don't forget to go grocery shopping! 如果你要出门,别忘了买菜!
菜市场的英文可不是:Vegetable market,正确的英文表达是:Wet market.字面意思就是湿湿的市场,是不是很形象 I like to shop for meat and vegetables at a wet market, rather than at a supermarket. 比起超市,我更喜欢去菜市场买肉和菜。
摆地摊其实就是在街边售卖,所以正确的表达是:Street vending. Is street vending legal? 街边摆摊合法吗?
商场的英文表达是:Shopping mall. 繁华的商业街区可以表达为:The high street(英国),美国叫 The main street。 You should show your health QR code, then you can enter the shopping mall. 你要出示你的绿码,然后你才可以进入商场。