“You're a peach”是“你是个桃子”的意思吗 让我们一起来看看peach以及其他和水果有关的地道英文俚语吧
🍑 You're a peach
He's a real peach of a guy. 他真是一个讨人喜欢的小伙子。
🍋 You're a lemon
He took a little test drive and agreed the car was a lemon. 他试驾了一下,也认为这车不行。
This car is a total lemon. It's a waste of money. 这个车不好用。买它纯粹是浪费钱。
My phone is a lemon. 我的手机不好用。
Apples and Oranges
apples and oranges也是一个常用习语,表示“风马牛不相及的事物;天差地别的事物”。
You can't compare your job as a doctor to mine as a musician—that's comparing apples and oranges! 你是位医生,我是位音乐家,你没法比较咱俩的工作,因为它们风马牛不相及。
🍏 rotten/bad apple
从字面上来看,“rotten/bad apple”是“烂/坏苹果”的意思。其实不然,它还有“害群之马”的意思。
All of the students are well behaved apart from one bad apple who likes to stir up trouble in the class. 全班学生都表现得很好,除了一个害群之马总爱在班里惹是生非。
🍌 to go bananas
He'll go bananas when you tell him the news. 你告诉他这个消息,他会发疯的。
🍌 top bananas
He'll always be remembered as one of the top bananas in the world of comedy. 人们将永远记住他是整个喜剧界最好的演员之一。
🍒 the cherry on the cake
The festival was amazing, but the beautiful weather was the cherry on the cake. 这个节日超级棒,但好上加好的是天气很宜人!
🍇 sour grapes
His snide remarks about the winners are nothing but sour grapes. 他对获胜者的尖刻评论只不过是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸罢了。