Terra-Cotta作名词,是指赤土陶器;赤陶土。Warriors指战士、勇士。 Terra-Cotta Warriors就是著名的兵马俑。 此外,Terracotta Warriors and Horses和Terracotta Army也可以表示相同的意思。
The Terra-Cotta Warriors were created by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang di Ying Zheng. 兵马俑是由中国第一个皇帝——秦始皇嬴政创造的。
The terracotta warriors are unique. Not one looks like another, either in physiognomy, costume or even coiffure. 兵马俑是独一无二的。无论外貌、服装、甚至发型,都绝无两个形似的陶俑。
The Famous Terracotta Army - is referred to as the eighth wonder of the ancient world. 闻名遐迩的兵马俑被誉为"世界第八大奇迹"。
Did you go away for the National Day holiday? 你国庆节出去玩了吗?
Yes, I traveled to Xi'an for a few days to see the Terra-Cotta Warriors. 去了,我到西安玩了几天,去参观了兵马俑。