

Quality 质量

Very good 变为 Excellent,优秀的,太棒了,excellent要比good程度更强。 例句:This is an excellent quality. 这是一种杰出的品质。

Very bad 变为 Horrible,可怕的,不仅仅说是这件事情吓人,而是说差的可怕。 例句:That's when I tell him something horrible that happened to me. 然后我又告诉他那些发生在我身上的可怕的事情。

Size 尺寸

Very small 变为 Tiny,极小的,迷你的 例句:All living cells send out tiny pulses of electricity. 每个活细胞都会发出微小的电脉冲。

Very big 变为 huge,巨大的 例句:"We are a huge market for the USA, " he says. 对于美国来说,我们是一个巨大的市场。 他说。

Mood 心情

Very happy 变为 ecstatic,狂喜的,入迷的 例句:His wife gave birth to their first child, and he was ecstatic about it. 他的妻子生下了他们的第一个孩子,他对此欣喜若狂。

Very sad 变为 depressed,沮丧的,极度悲伤的 例句:She's been very depressed and upset about this whole situation. 整个境况使她感到心烦意乱,意志消沉。

Intelligence 智慧

Very smart 变为 brilliant,极有才智的,杰出的 例句:She had a brilliant mind. 她有极聪明的头脑。

Very stupid 变为 idiotic,愚蠢的,白痴的 例句:What an idiotic thing to say! 说这话简直愚蠢透顶!

Speed 速度

Very fast 变为 rapid,迅速的,急促的 例句:The country's rapid economic growth in the 1980s. 这个国家在20世纪80年代快速的经济增长。

Very slow 变为 sluggish,迟钝的,行动迟缓的 例句:The economy remains sluggish. 经济保持缓慢发展。