当有人送你礼物 时,你真正需要的英语短语是微笑 地说一句真诚的“谢谢”。
Thank you so much! 非常感谢!
That's so kind! 你太好了!
You shouldn't have! 你本不必这么客气!
Thank you! It's beautiful. 感谢你!太美了。
I love it! I'll put it on / hang it up [etc.] immediately. 我好喜欢它!我马上把它挂上。
That is so thoughtful of you. It matches my ... perfectly! 你真体贴。它很配我的…!
How did you know I've always wanted a ... to go with my...? 你怎么知道我一直想要…配我的…?
Thank you. I really needed a ... 谢谢您。我真的需要…
Fantastic! I've been thinking about getting a ... 棒极了!我一直在想能有一个...
This is exactly what I needed. Now, I can ... 这正是我需要的。现在,我就可以…
How kind of you! I've always wanted to see ... in concert / at the movies / at an exhibition. 你真是太好了!我一直想看…音乐会/电影/展览。
Wow! This is a dream come true! Tickets for ... 真的!这真是梦想成真!...的门票。
Thank you so much! I've hoped/wanted to travel to ... for a long time. 非常感谢!我希望/想去…旅游很久了。