收到礼物时,除了thank you,还能说什么

每逢节假日 ,我们会参加各类聚会,送礼收礼 就也变得多了。 如何在送礼时让人感觉窝心、如何在收礼时表示感激,是我们要学习的社交礼仪。


  1. I got you something. I hope you like it. 我给你买了东西。希望你喜欢。

  2. Look what I have for you! 看我为你准备了什么!

  3. I thought you might like this for ... 我觉得你会喜欢这个…

  4. Happy Birthday! [Happy Anniversary!] Here's a little gift/present for you. 生日快乐![纪念日快乐!]这是给你的小礼物。

  5. [Handing present to someone] Enjoy! [把礼物递给某人]用得开心!

  6. It's only something small, but I hope you like it. 只是一些小东西,但我希望你喜欢。

  7. Here's a little present for you. 这是给你的小礼物。

  8. Guess what I bought you! 猜猜我给你买了什么!


  1. [Name] I'd like to give you this present/gift. [姓名]我想给你这个礼物。

  2. [Name], This is a present that I/we/staff/got you. [姓名]这是我/我们/员工/给你的礼物。

  3. I'd like to present you with this ... [very formal, used when giving an award or special present] 我想给你这个…[非常正式,在颁发奖品或特别礼物时使用]

  4. In the name of [xyz], I'd like to give you this present. [also very formal] 以[XYZ]的名义,我想给你这个礼物。[也非常正式]

  5. Here is a token of our appreciation. 这是我们的心意。