order a takeaway

  1. I can't wait any longer. Is it possible to cancel my order?


订单的英文是order。 下订单是place an order;取消订单是cancel an order。

  1. There's a food item missing. Can I have a refund? 我订的食物少了一样。可以给我退款吗?


如果想解释漏送了的具体食物,就可以使用这个句式:The _____ I ordered is missing.

  1. When I opened the bag, my food was spilled everywhere.

Could I get another one delivered?我打开包装袋时发现食物洒了。能给我再送一份吗?


  1. 此外,配送员可以用delivery person表达。

想表达到目前为止还没收到食物,可以说I haven’t received my food.