不定式:(to) do 动名词:doing 分词:
现在分词:doing 过去分词:done
begin,start 物做主语,用于进行时,接续表心理活动或状态的动词:understand,realize,know...只能用不定式
love,hate,like,prefer 动名词表习惯性动作,不定式表具体某一次的动作
remerber,forget, 不定式表将要做的事,动名词表做过的事 regret 不定式表抱歉做某事,动名词表后悔做过的事 try 不定式表努力做某事,动名词表尝试做某事 mean 不定式表打算做某事,动名词表意味着 stop 不定式表停下现在的事,去做另外的事,动名词表停止现在的事 go on 不定式表继续做另外的事,动名词表继续做现在的事 can't help 不定式表没办法帮助做某事,动名词表禁不住做某事
并列句 He came in and he left. 从句 I don't know where he lives. 非谓语动词 I want to eat.(不定式,作宾语)
非谓语动词可以做除谓语外的7种句子成分:主宾定状补表同 不定式可以做上述7种成分中任何一种 动名词不可做状语,其余6种皆可 分词不可做主宾同,其余4种皆可 前后一致
不定式做主语常表示具体动作 动名词做主语常表示抽象或习惯性动作 不定式做主语常常使用it替代,动名词相对少见 It’s +adj+ of sb to do sth 形容人的特质 It's +adj+ for sb to do sth 形容事的特质 出现no use,no good,no fun,a shame,a waste of time/money,useless,dangerous等词使用动名词且用it替代主语 there is no+ doing 表示没有某种情况,或者某种情况或行为是不可能的
坐公车去学校会花我们一个小时 It will take us one hour to go to school by bus. To go to school by bus will take us one hour .
学习能改变你的未来 Learning can change your future. 学英语对我来说很重要
It's important for me to learn English. To learn English is important for me .
他真笨问这个问题 It's stupid of him to ask this question. 这个时候抱怨没用 It's no use complaining at this time. 没有回头路了 There is no turning back.
动词接续to do 则用不定式,接续doing则用动名词 主谓宾宾补和从句为疑问句的宾语从句也可用不定式(why除外) 动名词可充当介宾
他决定搬家 He decides to move. 我喜欢打篮球 I enjoy playing basketball. 我们觉得早点开始比较好 We think it better to start early. We think to start early better.
我不知道该去哪 I don't know where to go. 他擅长撒谎 He is good at lying.
现在分词做表语形容物,过去分词做表语形容人 不定式做表语表具体情况,动名词做表语表习惯性情况,大多数情况下可替换使用 be to do/be about to do可表示将要做的事,前者类似于be going to do,后者时间节点更近
他的目标是学好英语 His aim is to learn English well. 他的工作是照顾孩子 His job is looking after the kids. 我将要买辆车 I am (about) to buy a car.
动名词做补语情况极少,可忽略 不定式做补语情况很常见,结构为:动词+sb+to do sth 分词做补语分为整个过程和瞬间两种情况,常用单词如下:see/watch/look at/notice/observe/catch/hear/listen to/feel +sb+do(整个过程)/doing(瞬间) 分词做补语常常使用被动式 使役动词也可生成补语相关结构 have +宾语+do/doing/done/adj/adv/介词短语 make +宾语+do/doing/done/n/adj/adv/介词短语 get +宾语+ to do/doing/done/adj/adv/介词短语 leave +宾语+to do/doing/done/adj/adv/介词短语 keep +宾语doing/done/adj/adv/介词短语 let +宾语+do/adj/adv/介词短语
妈妈让我十点之前回来 Mom told me to come back by ten. 我看到他打电话了 I saw him make a phonecall. 他被看到打电话了 He was seen to make a phonecall. 我看到他当时正在打电话 I saw him making a phonecall. 他被看到当时正在打电话 He was seen making a phonecall.
1. have
have+宾语+do (基本不会被拒绝的事) 我已经让秘书订好房了 I've had the secretary book a room.
have+宾语+done (动作的执行者是别人或遭遇不幸) 我找人把车修了 I had my car repaired. 我的钱包昨天被偷了 I had my wallet stolen yesterday. Have+宾语+doing (常接时间段表持续动作,否定时表不允许) 我让他在这住了三天 I had him living here for three days. 别让你的狗叫 Don't have your dog barking.
Have+宾语+adj/adv/介短 明天之前把钱准备好 Have the money ready by tomorrow. 让他去楼上 Have him upstairs. 让猫在箱子里待着 Have the cat in the box.
2. make
make+宾语+do(不可控,轻微强迫,可被动) 他让我笑了 He made me laugh. I was made to laugh.
他让我承认我错了 He made me admit that I was wrong.
make+宾语+done(表被动) 你让他被开除了 You made him fired.
make+宾语+doing(一直做某事处于某种状态) 这故事让他感觉难受 The story makes him feeling sad.
make+宾语+n/a/adv/介短 把它养成习惯 Make it a habit. 这可能会让你生气 This may make you angry. 他让我出局了 He made me out. 他把污渍从墙上弄下来了 He made the stain off the wall.
get+宾语+to do(想办法让某人做某事) 他(想办法)让他的爸爸给他买了辆新车 He got his father to buy him a new car.
get+宾语+done(表被动) 把它换了 Get it changed.
get+宾语+doing(使...处于某种状态) 他开车开的很快 He got his car going fast.
get+宾语+a/adv/介短 把钱准备好 Get the money ready. 你让我很惊讶 You got me surprised. 我忘不了他 I can't get him out of my mind.
leave+宾语+to do(强调未来动作) 我们让她自己解决这件事 We left her to fix the problem herself.
leave+宾语+done(处于某种状态) 他没锁门 He left the door unlocked.
leave+宾语+doing(强调当时正在发生的事,并持续) 别让他在外面等了 Don't leave him waiting outside.
leave+宾语+a/adv/介短 开着门吧 Leave the door open. 别打扰我 Leave me alone. 他把钥匙落在了车里 He left the key in the car.
keep+宾语+done(保持一种状态) 锁上门 Keep the door locked.
keep+宾语+doing(保持正在做的一个动作) 对不起让你久等了 I am sorry to keep you waiting.
keep+宾语+adj/adv/介词短语 跑步能让你健康 Running can keep you healthy. 寒冷的天气使我们待在家里 The cold weather keeps us indoors. 这个号码能让我们保持联系 This number can keep us in touch.
let+宾语+ do 让我进去 Let me come in.
let+宾语+adj/adv/介词短语 让他进来 Let him in.
动名词做同位语情况极少,可忽略 不定式做同位语和做定语用法相似
我没机会去北京 I don't have a chance to go to BeiJing. 你该起床去上学了 It's time to get up for school.
动名词做定语情况极少,为前置定语,可忽略 不定式做定语表示将来或将要,表主动是to do,表被动是to be done,为后置定语,可转从句 不定式做定语要注意保持结构完整性(介词) 第一个,最后一个,下一个,唯一一个类似这样的词修饰先行词用不定式 分词做定语doing强调主动和进行,done强调被动和完成,前置定语和后置定语皆可 非谓语动词做定语只能是先行词为主语的情况 被动且进行,使用being done
我有事要告诉你 I have something to tell you. 我想知道一些关于下周要举行的会议的一些事情
I want to know something about the meeting to be held next week. I want to know something about the meeting which will be held next week.
他在找房子住 He is looking for a house to live in. 她是最后一个离开房间的 She is the last one to leave this room. 你认识那个跟你爸爸说话的人吗 Do you know the person talking to your father? 在那场战争中受伤的士兵成为了医生 The soldier wounded in that war became a doctor. 正在被讨论的那个问题很重要 The question being discussed is very important.
类型:目的/原因/结果/时间/条件/让步/方式/伴随 不定式做状语 不定式做目的状语(to do/in order to/so as to)so as to 不可以用在句首 不定式做原因状语,一般都是主系表,表示人的情感 不定式做结果状语(only to/so...as to/such...as to/too...to/enough...to)only to do表示一种出乎意料或失望的结果
分词做状语 主语和非谓语动词是主动关系用doing,被动关系用done 有时间先后,完成时,使用 having done 分词可做时间状语、原因状语、条件状语、让步状语、结果状语、方式状语,伴随状语
我来这儿是看你的 I came here to see you. In order to see you I came here./I came here in order to see you. I came here so as to see you.
听到这个消息,我们很激动 We are excited to hear the news. 我要开门,却发现门从里面被锁住了 I was about to open the door only to find that it was locked from inside. 那个女孩很好心,帮助那位老人下了公共汽车 The girl was so kind as to help the old man off the bus. 你能行行好借我点钱吗 Would you be such a kind man as to lend me some money? 他太年轻了以至于不能上学 He is too young to go to school. 这个问题够简单,我能答上来 This question is simple enough for me to answer. 用了很长时候,这把扇子显得很旧 Used for long, the fan seems old. 用这把扇子的时候,我发现它很有用 Using the fan, I find it useful. 还没收到他的信,我决定给他打电话 Having not received the letter, I decided to call him.
病了,他昨天没去学校 Being ill, he didn't go to school. 被所发生的惊讶到了,他不知道该做什么 Surprised at what happened, he didn't know what to do. 被好好用的话,这个手机至少能用3年 Used carefully, the phone can at least last for 3 years. 努力工作,你就能成功 Working hard, you can succeed. 那么努力工作,他还是失败了 Working so hard, he failed. 就算被邀请了,我也不会去那个party Even if invited, I will not go to that party. 他回家很晚,让他的爸爸很生气 He got home late, making his father angry. 他靠开车维持生计 He makes a living driving. 他进来了,后面跟着他的女儿 He came in, followed by his daughter. 他们站在那里,看着比赛 They are standing there, watching games.