I have been there.

There 在英语中很常用,常常会组成there be的句型,表示“有”。

  • There are so many people in the supermarket. 超市里有好多人啊

  • There is nobody in the street. 街上没有人

  • I have been there. 常常表示“我去过那儿,到过某个地方”,可能是一次,可能是好几次。

  • Beijing is a beautiful city and I have been there three times. 北京是个美丽的城市,我去过那儿三次了。

然而,在口语中,“I have been there”可不一定是“我去过那儿”!啥意思呢?

  • I have been there means I have also done or experienced whatever is being discussed.

  • 表示我也有过那样的经历,我能体会到那种困难(常常用于理解对方的感受和遭遇)。