时态 | 中间态 | be动词时态 |
一般现在 | do/does+be | am/is/are |
一般过去 | did+be | was/were |
一般将来 | be going to+ be | be going to be |
现在进行 | be doing +be | be being |
现在完成 | have/has done +be | have/has been |
他吃 He does+eat =>He eats 他吃了 He did+eat=>He ate 他将要吃 He be going to+eat=>He is going to eat 他正在吃 He be doing+eat=>He is eating 他已经吃过了 He have/has done+eat=>He has eaten 他能来 He can come 他可能会来 He could come 他将会来 He will come
他在北京 He does+be in BeiJing=>He is in BeiJing 他昨天在北京 He did+be in BeiJing yesterday.=>He was in BeiJing yesterday. 他将在北京 He be going to +be in BeiJing=>He is going to be in BeiJing 他正在在北京 He be doing+be in BeiJing=>He is being in BeiJing 他已经在北京两年了 He have/has done+be in BeiJing for 2 years =>He has been in BeiJing for 2 years. 他可能是个老师 He may be a teacher/He could be a teacher/He might be a teacher 他一定在家 He must be at home 他可能是对的 He might be right / He may be right/ He could be right
场景 | 特点 |
能力 | could是can的过去式 |
许可 | could比can更委婉 |
推测 | can不能用于肯定句(特殊情况下除外) |
有时 | can+be/get |
惊讶或怀疑 | - |
你会说英语吗 Can you speak English? 你之前会说英语吗 Could you speak English? 他会开车吗 Can he drive? 你老师能告诉你为什么吗 Can your teacher tell you why/the reason? 他什么时候能来 When can he come? 我什么时候能见到他 When can I see him? 他那个时候会弹钢琴吗 Could he play the piano at that time?
你能说英语吗 Can you speak English?(已知对方会多种语言) 我可以见他吗 Can/Could I see him? 我可以跟他学英语吗 Can/Could I learn English with him? 我能进来吗 Can/Could I come in? 你能告诉我吗 Can/Could you tell me?
那不可能是真的 That can't/couldn't be true. 他们会在干什么呢 What can/could they be doing? 今年夏天我们可能要去那儿 We could go there this summer. 你可能是对的 You could be right.
can可用于肯定句的两种特殊情况:理论上不可能,但实际可能 /can+only 存在唯一可能
经验丰富的老师也有可能出错 Experienced teachers can make mistakes. 他只能是我的老师 He can only be my teacher.
can be 与 can get 的差别也就是be 与 get的差别,be 表示状态,get表变化的动作
He is angry 他现在很生气 He got angry 他变的生气了
这里有时会很热 It can get very hot here. 她有时火气很大 She can be very angry.
你怎么能这么说呢 How can/could you say this/so? 我怎么能不知道呢 How can't /couldn't I know ? 他怎么能这么做呢 How can/could he do this/so? 你为什么就不能告诉我呢 Why can't /couldn't you tell me?
场景 | 特点 |
将要 | would是will的过去式,would常用在从句里 |
提出建议或请求 | would比will更委婉 |
would like 表意愿 | 由 want 和like变时表词而来 |
过去或现在的习惯,倾向性 | 常用would |
be going to do有计划安排,常翻译为[准备,将要],will强调的是结果,常翻译为[会]
我下个月就30岁了 I will be 30 years old next month. 明天会下雨 It will rain tomorrow. 他什么时候来 When will he come? 我们什么时候吃饭 When will we eat? 他要去哪 Where will he go? 你什么时候买电脑 When will you buy a computer? 他们会来吗 Will they come? 他告诉我他不会来 He told me he did+won't come. =>He told me he wouldn't come.(过去将来时)
你能告诉我吗 Will/Would you tell me? 你能帮我倒杯水吗 Will/Would you get me a cup of water? 你能给我点时间吗 Will/Would you give me a moment? 你能帮我把窗户关了吗 Will/Would you close the window?
例句:would like
你想吃点什么 What do you like/want to eat?/ What would you like to eat? 我想来杯咖啡 I want/like a cup of coffee. /I would like a cup of coffee. 你愿意来吗 Do you want/like to come?/Would you like to come? 我愿意和你一起去 I want/like to go with you?/I would like to go with you.
他会生气的 He would be angry. 他会生气的 He will be angry. 你黄头发好看 You would look better with yellow hair. 他不会告诉你的 He wouldn't tell you. 我之前常常跑步 I would run often. 我常常跑步 I will run often.
场景 | 特点 |
允许 | 人称限制 |
推测 | 句型限制,可能性大小差异 |
祝愿 | may+陈述句(动原) |
不妨,还是 | may/might+as well |
请求允许(我能xxx):只能用于第一人称疑问句,might 比may更委婉;给予允许(你/他可以xxx):只能用于第二三人称陈述句,只能用may
我能进来吗 May/Might I come in? 我能喝杯茶吗 May/Might I have a cup of tea? 我可以开始了吗 May/Might I start? 我能离开了吗 May/Might I leave? 你可以走了 You may leave/go. 你可以用这个房间 You may use this room.
他可能知道答案 He may/might know the answer. 她会是谁呢 Who may/might she be? 那会是真的吗 Might that be true? 他也许会告诉他妻子 He may/might tell his wife. 他可能在等我们 He may/might be waiting for us. 你很可能是对的 You may/might well be right. 他很可能知道 He may/might well know it.
祝你开心 May you be happy. 愿上帝保佑你 May god bless you. 祝你通过考试 May you pass the exam. 愿你早日找到另一半 May you find your soulmate soon.
我们不妨现在就走 We may/might as well go now. 我还是去睡觉吧 I may/might as well go to sleep. 还是你开吧 You may/might as well drive.
must/have to
must 表主动,have to 表被动 must可以表示推测,mustn't 和have to 不可以 have to不属于情态动词 对must的否定回答,要用not have to 或 needn't
我一定要在今天完成它吗 Do I have to finish it today?/Must I finish it today? 我一定要去看医生吗 Do I have to see a doctor?/Must I go to see a doctor? 他一定要现在就走吗 Does he have to leave now?Must he leave now? 我们一定要明天回去吗 Do we have to go back tomorrow?/Must we go back tomorrow? 我们一定不能只考虑我们自己 We mustn't only think of ourselves. 你就非得弄出这么大声音吗 Do you have to make so much noise?/Must you make so much noise? 你为什么非要打断我 Why do you have to interrupt me?Why must you interrupt me? Must I go to school? No, you don't have to/No,you needn't.
他一定错了 He must be wrong. 那个人一定很有钱 That man must have a lot of (lots of) money. 她一定是在看电视 She must be watching TV. 你一定在家 You must be at home.
shall/should/ought to/be supposed to do
shall 在第一人称疑问句中表征求意见,在第一人称陈述句中表将要,同will shall在第二三人称陈述句中表命令/警告/承诺/决心等 ought to 比should语气重,场合更正式 should等价于be supposed to do ,可表推测 be supposed to do不属于情态动词
要不要我给你拿把椅子来 Shall I get you a chair? 我要走了 I will/shall go. 我们今天晚上做什么呢 What shall we do tonight? 我给你打杯水吧 Shall I get you a cup of water? 我们走吧 Shall we go? 我们告诉他吧 Shall we tell him? 你再也不会见到他了 You shall never see him again. 他一定会被开除的 He shall be fired. 他们不能再那么做了 They shall not do that again. 你应该早点来 You shall come here early.
例句:should/ought to/be supposed to do
should完全等于be supposed to do,ought to 更正式 (书面语)
我们应该互相帮助 We should/ought to help each other./We are supposed to help each other. 你应该去问老师 You should ask the teacher. 我该说什么 What should I say ? 我们应该什么时候过去 When should we go ? 他应该买什么 What should he buy? 我们今晚应该在哪见面 Where should we meet tonight? 他应该在家 He should be at home.
need和dare既有情态动词用法(need do/dare do),又有实义动词用法(need to do/dare to do) 肯定句中只可以用实义动词用法 疑问句和否定句两者皆可 need doing 可表被动,只可以用实义动词用法
例句:need 疑问句/否定句
他需要来这么早吗 Did he need to come so early?/Need he come so early? 他们需要填表吗 Do they need to fill in the form?/Need they fill in the form? 我需要来吗 Do I need to come ?/Need I come ? 他需要这么做吗 Does he need to do this? /Need he do this? 你不需要再做它了 You don't need to do it any more./You needn't do it any more. 你不需要来 You don't need to come./You needn't come. 他不需要知道 He doesn't need to know./He needn't know. 你不需要买这些东西 You don't need to buy these things ./You needn't buy these things.
例句:need 肯定句
他需要知道这些 He needs to know these. (这里是实义动词用法,does+need=>needs) 你们需要每天学习 You need to study every day. 我们需要买很多东西 We need to buy a lot of things. 我们需要告诉他 We need to tell him.
例句:need doing 表被动
你的头发需要洗了 Your hair needs washing./Your hair needs to be washed. 这桌子需要喷漆了 This desk needs painting./This desk needs to be painted 你的房子需要装修了 Your house needs decorating./Your house needs to be decorated. 你的作业需要做了 Your homework needs doing./Your homework needs to be done.
例句:dare 问句/否定句
你怎么敢这么说 How dare you say this?/How do you dare to say this? 你怎么敢吃这个 How dare you eat this?/How do you dare to eat this? 你敢告诉她真相吗 Dare you tell her the truth?/Do you dare to tell her the truth? 他敢一个人去那儿吗 Dare he go there alone?/Does he dare to go there alone? 他不敢说英语 He daren't speak English./ He doesn't dare to speak English? 他不敢回答 He daren't answer./He doesn't dare to answer. 他不敢看我 He daren't look at me./He doesn't dare to look at me. 他们不敢不做作业 They daren't not do the homework./They don't dare not to do the homework.
例句:dare 肯定句
我敢吃这个 I dare to eat this. 我们必须敢想 We must dare to think. 我们应该敢于说英语 We should dare to speak English. 我敢开车 I dare to drive.
情态动词+do(动原) 表现在或将来 情态动词+be doing 表进行 情态动词+have done 表过去
对过去的推测 | 对过去的评价 |
can/can't/may/might/must | could/would/should/needn't |
must have done
他一定已经走了 He must have left. 你肯定已经看过这部电影了 You must've watched this movie. 他们一定已经知道原因了 They must have known the reason. 你弟弟一定已经告诉你父母我们的事了 Your brother must have told your parents about us. 这电脑一定已经被修过了 This computer must have been fixed. 我的手机一定被偷了 My phone must have been stolen. 他的车一定被卖了 His car must have been sold. 他一定被找到了 He must have been found.
may/might have done
他们可能已经到北京了 They may/might have got to BeiJing. 我可能做错了 I may/might have done it wrong. 他可能已经睡了 He may/might have gone to bed. 他可能已经知道了 He may/might have known it. 我的电脑可能已经被修了 My computer may/might have been fixed. 我的手机可能已经被偷了 My phone may/might have been stolen. 他的车可能已经被卖了 His car may/might have been sold. 他可能已经被找到了 He may/might have been found.
can't have done
他不可能买了这款车 He can't have bought the car. 你不可能已经知道了 You can't have known it. 他不可能去北京了 He can't have gone to BeiJing. 他不可能偷了你的钱 He can't have stolen your money. 这电脑不可能被修过 This computer can't have been fixed. 我的手机不可能被偷了 My phone can't have been stolen. 他的车不可能被卖了 His car can't have been sold. 他不可能被找到了 He can't have been found.
can have done
他会吃了什么呢 What can he have eaten? 他会去北京了吗 Can he have gone to BeiJing? 你会不会已经告诉老师了 Can you have told your teacher? 他会去哪了呢 Where can he have gone ? 这电脑会被修过了吗 Can this computer have been fixed? 我的手机可能被偷了吗 Can my phone have been stolen? 他的车会被卖了吗 Can his car have been sold? 他会被找到了吗 Can he have been found?
could have done
我本来可以做完作业的,但是我的朋友来了 I could have finished my homework,but my friend came. 你本来可以赢的,但是你怎么能迟到呢 You could have won,but how can/could you be late? 他们本来可以早点到的,但是太堵车了 They could have got here early,but the traffic was heavy. 他本来能通过考试的,但是他太粗心了He could have passed the exam,but he was too careless. 这电脑本来可以被修的 This computer could have been fixed . 他的车本来可以被卖的 His car could have been sold. 他本来可以被找到的 He could have been found.
would have done
我本来会告诉你的,但是你没问我 I would have told you,but you didn't ask me. 他本来会留下来的,可是你没说 He would have stayed ,but you didn't ask him to. 我本来会很开心的,可是你没在 I would have been happy,but you weren't here.
should have done
你当时应该听他的 You should have listened to him. 你应该做作业的 You should have done your homework. 你应该更小心点 You should have been more careful. 你应该告诉他的 You should have told him . 你不应该那么生气的 You shouldn't have been that angry . 他不应该买那么早的 He shouldn't have bought that so early . 你不应该对他喊的 You shouldn't have yelled at him . 你不应该吃那么多的 You shouldn't have eaten so much.
needn't have done
我本来不需要买这么多的 I needn't have bought so much. 你本来不需要向他道歉的 You needn't have apologized to him. 他本来不需要离开的 He needn't have left . 你本来不需要告诉他的 You needn't have told him. 我的电脑本来不需要被修的 My computer needn't have been fixed .
他会是谁呢 Who can/could/may/might he be? 他肯定是个老师 He must be a teacher. 他肯定不是老师 He can't/couldn't be a teacher. 他可能不是老师 He may/might not be a teacher. 他可能是个老师 He could/may/might be a teacher. 他会在等谁呢 Who can/could/may/might he be waiting for? 他肯定在等我们 He must be waiting for us. 他肯定没等我们 He can't/couldn't be waiting for us. 他可能没在等我们 He may/might not be waiting for us. 他可能在等我们 He could/may/might be waiting for us.
can't/couldn't表示不可能 may not/might not 表示可能不
肯定句 | could/may/might | 3 |
一般疑问句 | can/could/might | 3 |
特殊疑问句 | can/could/may/might | 4 |
否定句 | can/could/may/might | 4 |
注意,can/may的使用限制是在表推测的情况下 不表推测的时候,can可以用于肯定句,may也可以用于一般疑问句
请求建议 | 许可 | 允许 | |
疑问句 | 第二人称 (will/would) | 第一二三人称 (can/could) | 第一人称 (may/might) |
陈述句 | 第一二三人称 (can/could) | 第二三人称 (may) |
你怎么能这么说呢 How can/could you say this? 我应该怎么办 What should I do? 他们一定在看电视 They must be watching TV. 我能(可以)为你做什么呢 What can/could/may/might I do for you? 他们一定在家 They must be at home. 他会是谁呢 Who can/could/may/might he be? 你敢告诉他吗 Dare you tell him?/Do you dare to tell him? 我该说什么呢 What should I say? 我们一定得告诉他吗 Must we tell him?/Do we have to tell him? 你怎么敢这么说 How dare you say this?/How do you dare to say this?
(它)会是谁呢 Who can/could/may/might it be? 你能把窗户关一下吗 Can/Could/Will/Would you close the window? 你能跑多快 How fast can you run? 他一定有很多钱 He must have a lot of monay./He must be rich. 他会是对的吗 Can /Could/Might he be right? 你敢一个人去北京吗 Dare you go to BeiJing alone?/Do you dare to go to BeiJing alone? 这车需要洗吗 Does this car need to be washed?/Does this car need washing? 他会怎么跟她说这件事呢 How can/could/may/might/will he tell her this thing? 你想点什么 What would you like to have? 我想点鸭子 I would like to have a duck.
他会在干什么呢 What can/could/may/might he be doing? 你为什么不告诉他呢 Why can't/couldn't you tell him? 这会是什么呢 What can/could/might/may it be? 你能回避一下吗 Can/Could/Will/Would you give me a minute? 他必须去北京吗 Must he go to BeiJing?/Does he have to go to BeiJing? 那个高个子男人会是谁呢 Who can/could/may/might that tall men be? 这辆车会多少钱呢 How much money can/could/may/might this car be? 他应该交什么样的朋友 What kind of friends should he make? 我该什么时候给你打电话呢 When should I call you? 你一定得走吗 Must you go?/Do you have to go?
我为什么看不见他 Why can't I see him? (表能力) 我为什么不能见他 Why can't/couldn't/may not/might not I see him? 我怎么能从这里到天安门 How can I get to Tian An Men from here? 你会开车吗 Can you drive? 你能开会儿车吗 Will/Would/Can/Could you drive for a while? 你为什么学不好英语 Why can't you learn English well? 我在哪里能找到他 Where can I find him? 你什么时候才能告诉我 When can/could/will/would you tell me? 这会是真的吗 Can/Could/Might this be true?