时态由时间和特点组成,其中时间有现在,过去,将来,过去将来四种,常用的是前三种。 特点有一般,完成,进行,完成进行四种,时间与时态组合共16种,常用12种。
特点/时间 | 现在 | 过去 | 将来 | 过去将来 |
一般 | 一般现在 | 一般过去 | 一般将来 | 一般过去将来 |
完成 | 现在完成 | 过去完成 | 将来完成 | 过去将来完成 |
进行 | 现在进行 | 过去进行 | 将来进行 | 过去将来进行 |
完成进行 | 现在完成进行 | 过去完成进行 | 将来完成进行 | 过去将来完成进行 |
一般现在:最近都会发生的相同动作(一般,经常,老) 一般过去:过去发生的事 一般将来:以后发生的事 现在进行:现在发生的事
每个时态的第一个词是时表词 每个时态的最后一个词是动词 每个时态去掉首尾后剩下的词是句剩

疑问词 | 词义 |
who | 谁 |
whom | 谁 |
what | 什么 |
whose | 谁的 |
which | 哪个 |
when | 什么时候 |
where | 哪里 |
why | 为什么 |
how | 怎样/多么 |
who/whom 名词性疑问词 what 既是名词性疑问词又是形容词性疑问词,可加名词构成新疑问词使用,也可单独使用 whose 形容词性疑问词,加名词使用,构成新疑问词 which 形容词性疑问词,加名词使用,构成新疑问词 when 副词词性疑问词,对动词进行提问,侧重时间 where 副词词性疑问词,对动词进行提问,侧重地点 why 副词词性疑问词,对动词进行提问,侧重原因 how 副词词性疑问词,对动词进行提问,侧重方式 how也可对形容词或副词程度进行提问,加副词或形容词可构成新的疑问词
who/whom are you waiting for? ( 主语/宾语 ) for whom are you waiting?(宾语/紧跟介词后)
你买什么了? What did you buy? 你刚说什么? What did you say? 你在说什么呢? What are you saying? 你告诉谁了? Who did you tell? 你在等谁? Who are you waiting for? 你要去哪个国家? Which country are you going to go to?/Which country are you going to ? 你什么时候回来? When are you going to come back? 你一般都什么时候睡觉? When do you sleep? 你要去哪学习? Where are you going to study? 你怎么来的? How did you come?
你平常在家吃饭吗? Do you eat at home? 你吃了吗?Did you eat? 你准备吃饭吗?Are you going to eat? 你在吃饭吗?Are you eating?
你要去北京吗? Are you going to go to BeiJing? / Are you going to BeiJing? 你不打算告诉他吗? Aren't you going to tell him? 你给他打电话了吗? Did you call him? 他不打算买车吗? Isn't he going to buy a car? 你在等人吗? Are you waiting for anyone? 你为什么老不听我的? Why don't you listen to me? 他没回来吗? Didn't he come back? 你在找什么东西吗? Are you looking for anything? 他没告诉你吗? Didn't he tell you? 你要买这辆车吗? Are you going to buy the car?/Are you buying the car? 他买这辆车了吗? Did he buy the car? 他在看电视吗? Is he watching TV? 他昨天为什么没来? Why didn't he come yesterday? 他要买这套房子吗? Is he going to buy the house?/Is he buying the house? 你找到他了吗? Did you find him? 他要离开北京吗? Is he going to leave BeiJing?/Is he leaving BeiJing? 你平常跑步吗? Do you run? 你不认识他吗? Don't you know him?
你平常不看电视吗? Do not (Don't) you watch TV? 你为什么不给他打电话?Why did not (didn't) you call him? 你不准备买个手机吗?Are not (Aren't) you going to buy a phone? 他为什么没在吃饭? Why is not (isn't) he eating?
你要去北京吗? Are you going to BeiJing? (be+doing) Are you going to go to BeiJing? (be going to do) 常见不可延续性动词:go/come/leave/arrive/begin/start
一般疑问句的肯定和否定 特殊疑问句的肯定和否定 8个特殊疑问词的变换 时态(一般现在/一般过去/一般将来/现在进行) x 4 更换主语(我/我们/你/你们/他/她/它/他们) 更换宾语(我/我们/你/你们/他/她/它/他们) 主语宾语人称换名词(我的朋友,你的老师,他的妹妹...) ...
一般疑问句-肯定:Did you call him? 你给他打电话了吗? 特殊疑问句-肯定:Why did you call him? 你为什么给他打电话? 一般疑问句-否定:Didn't you call him? 你没给他打电话吗? 特殊疑问句-否定:Why didn't you call him? 你为什么没给他打电话? 特殊疑问词变换-when:When did you call him? 你什么时候给他打的电话? 特殊疑问词变换-where:Where did you call him? 你在哪给他打的电话? 特殊疑问词变换-how:How did you call him? 你怎么给他打的电话? 特殊疑问词变换-whom:With whom did you call him? 你和谁一起给他打的电话? 特殊疑问词变换-what:With what did you call him? 你用什么给他打的电话? 特殊疑问词变换-whose:With whose phone did you call him? 你用谁的手机给他打的电话? 特殊疑问词变换-which:With which phone did you call him? 你用哪部手机给他打的电话? ...
疑问词(who)和主语(you)不相同,不存在特殊性 直接套用公式结果为: Who did you call ?
疑问词(who)和主语(who)相同,存在特殊性,省略主语 直接套用公式结果为:Who did who call you ? 省略主语后:Who did call you ? 一般现在和一般过去的时表词和动词是应该是同一个词,did+call=called 最终结果为:Who called you ?
疑问词(who)和主语(who)相同,存在特殊性,省略主语 直接套用公式结果为:Who does who know him ? 省略主语后:Who does know him ? 一般现在和一般过去的时表词和动词是应该是同一个词,does+know=knows(who/what 做主语,在一般现在时中,视为单三) 最终结果为:Who knows him?
他看起来怎么样? How does he look? 你想吃什么? What do you want to eat? 你需要我的帮助吗? Do you need my help? 他长什么样? What does he look like? 这房子看起来多大? How big does the house look? 他长得像他的爸爸吗? Does he look like his father? 你想他吗? Do you miss him? 他看起来高吗? Does he look tall? 你多喜欢他? How much do you like him? 你想成为什么样的人? How kind of person do you want to be? 你需要什么? What do you need? 我看起来紧张吗? Do I look nervous? 你认识他吗? Do you know him? 你平常都在家吃饭吗? Do you eat at home? 他看起来多高? How tall does he look? 你相信他吗? Do you believe him? 这个房子看起来怎么样? How does the house look? 你老师长什么样? What does you teacher look like? 你觉得他怎么样? How do you think of him? 这房子看起来大吗? Does the house look big? 你多想买这辆车? How much do you want to buy the car? 我看起来怎么样? How do I look?
谁给你打的电话? Who called you? 谁要去北京? Who is going to go to BeiJing? 谁给你买的手机? Who bought you the phone? 谁在哭? Who is crying? 昨天谁来了? Who came yesterday? 发生什么了? What happened? 谁吃了我的早餐? Who ate my breakfast? 什么改变了他? What changed him? 谁认识他? Who knows him? 谁说的? Who said it? 谁打算跟我一起去? Who is going to go with me? 谁家的狗在叫? Whose dog is barking? 谁让你不开心了? Who made you unhappy? 谁死了? Who died? 谁要跟我一起学英语? Who is going to study English with me? 谁在看电视? Who is watching TV? 什么在动? What is moving? 什么让你这么激动? What made you so excited?
他来自中国吗? Does he come from China? Is he from China?
What color is the phone?
他是一个老师吗? Is he a teacher? 他为什么不是个老师?Why isn't he a teacher? 他怎么是个老师呢?How is he a teacher? 他不是一个老师吗? Isn't he a teacher? 他为什么不是个老师?Why isn't he a teacher? 他怎么不是个老师呢?How isn't he a teacher? 他以前是一个老师吗? Was he a teacher? 他以前为什么不是个老师?Why wasn't he a teacher? 他以前怎么是个老师呢?How was he a teacher? 他以前不是一个老师吗? wasn't he a teacher? 他以前为什么不是个老师?Why wasn't he a teacher? 他以前怎么不是个老师呢?How wasn't he a teacher?
你家的狗可爱吗? Is your dog cute? 他在这里吗? Is he here? 你准备好了吗? Are you ready? 你最喜欢的人是谁? Who is your favourite person? 你最喜欢的运动是什么? What is your favourite sport? 你家的狗多大了? How old is your dog? 他多漂亮? How beautiful is he? 他怎么样? How is he? 他人怎么样? What is he like? 天气怎么样? How is the weather?/What is the weather like? 他高吗? Is he tall? 他以前是医生吗? Was he a doctor? 他来自中国吗? Is he from China?/Does he come from China? 你为什么这么累? Why are you so tired? 你怎么在这里? How are you here? 你为什么在这里? Why are you here? 这条河长吗? Is the river long? 花儿为什么这么漂亮? Why are flowers so beautiful? 狗怎么在桌子上? How is the dog on the desk? 这手机漂亮吗?Is this phone beautiful?
修饰动词:suddenly quickly loudly slowly ... 修饰形容词:so very pretty too a little quite ...
重复中文意思+提取完整信息 例句:你去哪个国家了? 【哪个国家】是完整的疑问词(which country),而不是【哪个】(which)
How beautiful she is! How fast he runs! (How fast does he run=>How fast he does run=>does+run=>runs) What a beautiful girl!
many 修饰可数名词 much 修饰不可数名词 time表示时间的时候不可数,表示次数的时候可数
how如果单独使用,看是否带有动词 带动词对方式进行提问 不带动词分为两种情况:询问情况/表示惊讶或怀疑。 如果不是单独使用,其后可接形容词或副词,对程度进行提问。
How did you come? 你怎么来的?
How is he ? 他怎么样? How is your work? 你的工作怎么样? How was your wedding? 你的婚礼怎么样?
How are you here? 你怎么会在这里? How is she beautiful? 她怎么会漂亮呢?
How beautiful is she? 她多漂亮?
你吃了多少食物? How much food did you eat? 你一年挣多少钱? How much money do you make in one year? 你有多少朋友? How many friends do you have? 我跟你说多少次了? How many times did I tell you? 你之前在这里住了多久? How long did you live here? 你一年回几次家? How many times do you go home in one year? 你多久回一次家? How offen do you go home? 你准备在这里待多久? How long are you going to stay here? 你多想念他? How much do you miss him? 你有多少钱? How much money do you have? 你需要多久? How long do you need? 你需要多少时间? How much time do you need? 你多久上一次课? How offen do you have a class? 你做了多少工作? How much work did you do? 你多久见他一次? How offen do you see him? 你喝了多少水? How much water did you drink? 你多喜欢他? How much do you like him? 你的婚礼怎么样? How was your wedding?