汉堡什么时候将会被吃? When is the hamburger going to be eaten? 汉堡什么时候正在被吃? When is the hamburger being eaten? 汉堡什么时候被吃了? When was the hamburger was eaten? 汉堡一般什么时候被吃? When is the hamburger is eaten?
汉堡什么时候被吃了? When was the hamburger eaten? 汉堡一般什么时候被吃? When is the hamburger eaten?
原形 | 过去式 | 过去分词 |
eat | ate | eaten |
tell | told | told |
sell | sold | sold |
buy | bought | bought |
bring | brought | brought |
take | took | taken |
see | saw | seen |
write | wrote | written |
steal | stole | stolen |
give | gave | given |
throw | threw | thrown |
bite | bit | bitten |
fire | fired | fired |
find | found | found |
move | moved | moved |
make | made | made |
build | built | built |
solve | solved | solved |
hold | held | held |
invite | invited | invited |
refuse | refused | refused |
punish | punished | punished |
choose | chose | chosen |
raise | raised | raised |
finish | finished | finished |
complete | completed | completed |
translate | translated | translated |
这辆车被谁卖了? By whom was this car sold? 这辆车被卖给谁了?To whom was this car sold? 谁被卖了?Who was sold?
借入 borrow 借出 lend
他借了你多少钱? How much money did he borrow you? 他借给你多少钱?How much money did he lend you?
他什么时候在哪里被找到的? When and where was he found?/ Where and when was he found? 他是何时何地如何被找到的? When, where and how was he found?
他为什么被开除了? Why was he fired? 你的钱在哪被偷的? Where was you money stolen? 他怎么被杀的? How was he killed? 你被谁邀请的? By whom were you invited? 你被提供了什么工作? What job were you offered? 你的作业什么时候将会被完成? When is your homework going to be finished? 你被告诉什么了? What were you told? 为什么我没被邀请? Why wasn't I invited? 你的手机被谁借走了? By whom was your phone borrowed ? 这个会议将会在哪里被举行? Where is the meeting going to be held?
这个房子被卖了多少次? How many times was this house sold? 这个决定被谁做的? By whom was the decision made? 这项任务什么时候会被完成? When is the task going to be completed? 你在哪被养大的? Where were you raised? 你怎么被看到的? How were you seen? 你在哪里被看到的? Where were you seen? 你什么时候出生的? When were you born? 这辆车什么时候会被卖出去? When is this car going to be sold? 你这个房子被卖给谁了? To whom was your house sold? 这个房子被谁卖了? By whom was this house sold?
(它)被放在哪里了? Where was it put ? 我被提到了吗? Was I mentioned? 你什么时候被告诉的? When were you told? 会议什么时候将会被举行? When is the meeting going to be held? 你什么时候被狗咬的? When were you bitten by a dog? 谁将会被选择? Who is going to be chosen? 他为什么没被开除? Why wasn't he fired? 你怎么被拒绝的? How were you refused? 他为什么没被惩罚? Why wasn't he punished? 问题怎么被解决的? How was the problem solved?
你被给了几个选择? How many choices were you given? 你被打了多少次? How many times were you beaten? 你的书被谁扔了? By whom was your book thrown? 你将会被谁带到那里? By whom are you going to be taken there? 沙发什么时候被挪到那个房间的? when was the sofa moved to that room? 他什么时候将会被给礼物? When is he going to be given a gift? 这张桌子什么时候被谁卖的? When and by whom was this desk sold? 他为什么又是怎么被开除的? Why and how was he fired? 你的手机在哪什么时候被偷的? Where and when was your phone stolen? 我会受到惩罚吗? Am I going to be punished?
地铁正在被建吗? Is the subway being built? 决定被做出来了吗? Was the decision made? 问题被解决了吗? Was the problem solved? 这种产品是在哪里被制造出来的? Where was this product made? 他被开除了吗? Was he fired? 这个问题会被解决吗? Is this problem going to be solved? 这个房子被卖给他了吗? Was this house sold to him? 我被邀请了吗? Was I invited? 任务被完成了吗? Was the task completed? 你的作业被做完了吗? Was your homework finished?
他会被开除吗? Is he going to be fired? 你被看到了吗? Were you seen? 你的手机被偷了吗? Was your phone stolen? 他会被邀请吗? Is he going to be invited? 那个会议正在北京被举行吗? Is that meeting being held in BeiJing? 那个会议是在北京被举行的吗? Was that meeting held in BeiJing? 你的书会被翻译成英语吗? Is your book going to be translated into English? 他正在被惩罚吗? Is he being punished? 会议会在北京被举行吗? Is the meeting going to be held in BeiJing? 书正在被写吗? Is the book being written?